I am going away on vacation, are the dates flexible?
No, the dates indicated above are strictly adhered to. If you are going away you will still be expected to log in and complete coursework. If your vacation destination does not have internet access you may not want to enroll in the course.
Do I have all summer to complete the course?
No, the dates indicated are strictly adhered to. Students must finish 3 credit courses and the 5 credit courses by the dates posted.
Can I do my school work at any time during the day?
We do advise that you are online during school hours (9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.), so you can seek assistance from teachers. However, you can complete work or submit assignments at any time during the day.
Is this online course going to be easy?
5 credit courses are completed in 4 weeks. As such, expect to be busy for at least 5 hours a day with school work. You will be as busy as a traditional school student who attends a regular school.
Will I receive transcripts and proof of course completion?
Marks will be available on PowerSchool and Schoology throughout the course. At the end of the program in July, final grades will be sent to Alberta Education. All schools in the province of Alberta will have access to your online summer school grades when you return to your local school in September. By logging into your myPASS account at Alberta Education, you will be able to see your course mark after completion. In diploma courses, you will be able to see your course mark, diploma exam mark and final mark once the exam has been graded.
I live in another province. Can I take a summer course?
Only Alberta residents are eligible and must have an Alberta Education Student Number (ASN) to register.
Will the school provide a device for online learning if I do not have one?
No. Students are expected to have their own devices to complete summer school.
Work Experience
We are able to support work experience credits for job sites that fall within Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools boundaries. Students must find their own employment. We are not able to support agricultural placements, as these would fall under the Green Certificate. If you have questions regarding whether the job would qualify or not, please reach out to us.